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Cost-Benefit Analysis of Salmonella Targets in Pigs

Client: European Commission
Lead contractor: Food Control Consortium Ltd
Working with: Royal Veterinary College, Veterinary Laboratory Agency

The purpose of the project was to assess costs and benefits of setting salmonella targets in slaughter-pigs (pre-harvest) across 27 Member States within the EU. We compared the human health benefits against the potential costs to industry.

provided We used health economics expertise to review the field and develop a Cost of Illness model for human health cases of salmonellosis across EU-27. We sought contributions and feedback from experts in zoonotic diseases in the European Food Standards Agency.

We consulted with EU-27 Member States and developed a model that could accommodate local variation. The team was subsequently re-commissioned to cover other elements of the farm-fork food chain, including breeding pigs and post-harvest pigs.

Report published :
“Analysis of the costs and benefits of setting a target for the reduction of Salmonella in slaughter pigs”,
Report for EUROPEAN COMMISSION Health and Consumers Directorate-General , SANCO/2008/E2/036, June 2010 http://ec.europa.eu/food/food/biosafety/salmonella/docs/fattening_pigs_analysis_costs.pdf